
2024-04-28 09:27:08 资讯新闻网

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1、你走了什么都没留下,只留下那孤零零的誓言。 You left nothing, only left the lonely oath. 2、生活就像我的歌声,时而不着调,时而不靠谱。 Life is like my song, sometimes out of tune, sometimes unreliable. 3、爱你的每个瞬间,像飞驰而过的地铁。 Love you every moment, like a speeding subway. 4、少一点预设的期待,那份对人的关怀会更自在。 A little less presupposed expectations, that kind of care for people will be more comfortable. 5、失望这种情绪从来不会铺天盖地,只会积少成多。 Disappointments are never overwhelming. They only add up. 6、谁留下谁的伤痕,刺痛了昔日的单纯。 Who left whose scar, stabbed the past simple. 7、现实教会我不痛不痒不在乎,不闻不问不动情。 The reality taught me not to care, not to ask, not to be moved. 8、别人有的是背景,我特么的只有背影。 Others have background, but I have only my back. 9、情人背叛了才后悔,应该把钱花给爱人。 The lover betrays only then regrets, should spend the money to the lover. 10、想起那些时光,想说,那个时候真傻,但是真好。 Think of those times, want to say, at that time really silly, but good. 11、你爱我永生不灭,我灭你爱永不生。 You love me forever, I destroy you, love never lives. 12、日月皎然井立,寂静欢喜,而我们终将独自归去。 The sun and the moon stand still, silent and happy, and we will go home alone. 13、你不用分清东南西北,只需要走向有我的方向。 You don't have to distinguish between the southeast and the northwest, you just need to go in the direction with me. 14、寂寞的房,灯光别开的太亮,到夜晚更无处躲藏。 Lonely room, light do not open too bright, to the night there is no place to hide. 15、明知道你已不再爱我,但我还是拼了命的喜欢你。 Know you no longer love me, but I still love you with all my life. 16、我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已。 I always have you in my heart, but the proportion has changed. 17、再次听见心脏跳动的音符、却不完整。 Hear the note of heart beating again, but incomplete. 18、没有永远的朋友,只有永远的利益。 There are no forever friends, only permanent interests. 19、不会嫌你烦,不会嫌你唠叨你,那就不爱你了。 Do not hate you, will not hate you nagging you, then do not love you. 20、在我面前秀恩爱,我在你面前秀腿细。 Show love in front of me, I show my legs in front of you. 21、只有失去,才会懂得。只有懂得,才能学会珍惜。 Only lose, can understand. Only understand, can learn to cherish. 22、我可以装作无所谓,然后到没你的地方再崩溃。 I can pretend it doesn't matter, and then I'll crash where I don't have you. 23、残缺的过去,我狼狈的在下雨的街上一片片拾起。 The incomplete past, I picked up one by one in the rainy street. 24、只是想就这样开开心心一辈子,一生一起来走过。 I just want to be happy all my life and go through it together. 25、不是我不爱你了,只是正因我发现你不需要我了。 It's not that I don't love you anymore, it's just because I find you don't need me anymore. 26、我行走在追逐你的旅途上,没有爱便成为逃亡。 I walk in the pursuit of your journey, no love will become a fugitive. 27、谢谢你的出现,谢谢曾经的回忆。慢走,不送。 Thank you for your presence. Thank you for the memories. Take your time. 28、翻着美好的记忆相册,我们还能找回些许快乐。 Through the beautiful memory album, we can find some happiness. 29、听说,习惯隐身的人,都有一段伤痕。 It is said that people who are used to being invisible have a scar. 30、我从没放弃过爱你,只是从浓烈变得悄无声息。 I never give up love you, just from strong to silent. 31、一座城市再喧闹,没你,便是空城。 If a city is noisy, it will be empty without you. 32、我已经习惯了你的冷落,可是我却不能冷落你。 I'm used to your coldness, but I can't. 33、爱了、痛了、累了、伤了、心碎了、爱已逝去。 Love, pain, tired, hurt, broken heart, love has passed away. 34、你的曾经,我的曾经,终究没有彼此。 Your once, my once, after all, there is no each other. 35、结局已经如此,原因已经不再重要了。 The end has been so, the reason is no longer important. 36、感伤没有陪你入睡的机会,在梦中守候真实的吻。 Sadness has no chance to sleep with you, waiting for the real kiss in the dream. 37、不是每个人都可以在我心里兴风作浪,你知道吗。 Not everyone can make waves in my heart, you know. 38、我活得那么心累,而你却那么的平静。 I live so tired, but you are so calm. 39、一个人安静一个人哭泣散场电影,全世界伤心。 A person quiet, a person crying, the film, the world sad. 40、爱情就像是终极密码,每个人都千方百计解读它。 Love is like the ultimate code, everyone tries to interpret it. 41、得到,不一定能长久。失去,不一定不再拥有。 Get, not necessarily for a long time. Lost, not necessarily no longer have. 42、这世间很残忍的爱,不是得不到,而是已失去。 The cruelest love in this world is not lost, but lost. 43、我用了整整一个青春,去爱了一个离开我的人。 I used a whole youth, to love a person who left me. 44、所剩无几的自尊心,给你磨灭了多少。 How much of the little self-esteem you have left behind. 45、原来只要努力一点,什么人的离开我都能习惯。 It turns out that as long as I work hard, I can get used to it. 46、如果梦想能够成真,愿我能代替你承受全都悲伤。 If the dream can come true, may I take the place of you to bear all the sadness. 47、你们的笑容,是世界上很灿烂的阳光。 Your smile is the most brilliant sunshine in the world. 48、那些美好还刻画在心底,而我却只能缅怀遗憾。 Those beautiful are still depicted in the bottom of my heart, but I can only remember the regret. 49、爱你没有原因,只需要有你一颗永远不变的心! There is no reason to love you, just need to have your heart forever! 50、一个受过伤的女生,很好学习并领悟的就是坚强。 A wounded girl, the only thing to learn and understand is to be strong. 51、曾想过只要你愿意走一步,剩下的99步我来走。 Once thought that as long as you are willing to take one step, I will take the remaining 99 steps. 52、对不起,我没有成熟到可以原谅背叛。 Sorry, I'm not mature enough to forgive betrayal. 53、对不起,敬个礼,发个屁,臭死你。 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I fart. It stinks. 54、无论何时说“我爱你”,请真心实意。 Whenever you say "I love you", please mean it. 55、只想看你展颜欢笑,就算我会心痛,你幸福就好。 Just want to see you smile, even if I will heartache, you are happy. 56、如今却连一个拥抱,你我都觉得尴尬。 Now even a hug, you and I feel embarrassed. 57、原本以为已经忘记了,一个电话唤醒所有的记忆。 Originally thought has forgotten, a phone call awakens all memories. 58、其实很痛的。不是离别。而是离别后的那些回忆。 In fact, the most painful. It's not parting. It's the memories of parting. 59、等我中了五百万,我就去买唐憎肉吃。 When I hit five million, I'll go and buy don hate meat. 60、生活就像我的歌声,时而不靠谱,时而不着调。 Life is like my song, sometimes unreliable, sometimes out of tune.






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